First official meeting of the University of Macedonia IEEE Student Branch

Date: March 22, 2023
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Location: 156 Egnatia Street, Thessaloniki, Greece - University of Macedonia, 1st floor, from the side of the applied informatics department

The University of Macedonia IEEE Student Branch is hosting its first official members meeting after its final establishment. Τhis meeting aims to establish committees that will oversee various aspects of the branch’s operations, including event planning, community outreach, and professional development. These committees will provide members with the opportunity to take an active role in shaping the direction of the branch and contribute to its success. Furthermore, the meeting will also serve as a forum for members to discuss organizational and managerial matters, such as means of communication and project management. These discussions will ensure that the branch operates efficiently and effectively, allowing it to achieve its goals and objectives.

Event duration: 1.30 hours
14.00: Welcome speech
14.15: Executive committee introduction
14.30: Student branch’s future goals and events schedule
14.45: Presentation of the survey’s results
15.00: Discussion topic: committees to be created
15.00: Discussion topic: member communication and organizational matters
15.15: Questions, suggestions and event closing