Software Testing Workshop X Netcompany (Netcompany – Intrasoft)

Date: May 13, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Location: 156 Egnatia Street, Thessaloniki, Greece - University of Macedonia, auditorium 13

What do you have to do on the first day of studies after the Easter holidays?
Of course, to attend the “Software Testing Workshop (Performace Testing)” of the company Netcompany (Netcompany – Intrasoft) on Monday, May 13, 2024, at 18.00-21.00 at auditorium 13 of the University of Macedonia!

Speakers: Menta VarvaraSeizis Christos

– 18.00 – 18.15 Students’ arrival
– Presentation of the company, STSC department and Career Paths
– Theoretical part Performance Testing
– Menti Quiz on the theory of Performance Testing (with a small gift for the winner)
– Performance Testing in practice with Java and JMeter
– Time for questions and discussion

For smooth attendance, it is recommended that you bring a laptop with IntelliJ IDE and the latest version of Java installed.

 Certificates of attendance are given to those who fill out the form below and attend the day of the event:

The event was postponed by the student chapter of IEEE of the University of Macedonia, in an effort to network and educate students.

Software Testing Workshop poster, by UoM IEEE Student Branch in collaboration with Netcompany