Software Testing Workshop X Netcompany

We would like to thank Netcompany (Netcompany-Intrasoft) for the amazing workshop on “Software Testing Workshop (Performace Testing)” that took place at the University of Macedonia on 13/05. The hints and knowledge we gained about the career paths in Software testing were very important 🙏

We would also like to express our sincere thanks to Varvara Menta and Andreas Kefalas for their presentations and the time they devoted, to Dimitris Theocharis and Vagelis Tilaveridis for their contribution to its organization, and to all the participants! 🙏💯

Stay tuned for more updates and upcoming events! 🚀


Software Testing Workshop, Netcompany X UoM IEEE Student Branch Software Testing Workshop, Netcompany X UoM IEEE Student Branch Software Testing Workshop, Netcompany X UoM IEEE Student Branch

Software Testing Workshop, Netcompany X UoM IEEE Student Branch Software Testing Workshop, Netcompany X UoM IEEE Student Branch Software Testing Workshop, Netcompany X UoM IEEE Student Branch